Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome to La Paz

I´m in Bolivia. Yay! No chickenning out and running off the plan yelling ¨Let me out of here"! So what does La Paz look like? Well it looks like a city, with lots of streets that twist and turn with small vehicles that wind their way around the buildings. The city pours over the cliff from El Alto and down into the valley. The streets are like San Fransicso on steroids and walking is almost impossible betweent he cobblestones and lack of oxygen. You can get around by what could be considered public transit but that´s a completely different story that I will leave for my next entry. The buildings themselves are shorter than I´m used to. There aren´t any of what we would call sky scrapers. The highest buildings are probably only about 20 stories high. They all seem to be made of cement or brick and have an orange or yellow hugh to them. From a distance nothing shines and from close up the character is even stronger. At night El Alto and La Paz look like an eruption of lights flowing down from the Alto Plano. It´s amazing to see from a plane. First impression, culture shock 101. Second impression, soak it up because when I get back home I´ll probably miss it.

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